Nike Air Poster Set

So Nike 100 percent, without a doubt, reached out to me directly and said “Omg Chris you’re such a good designer, we are literally about to go out of business right now unless you can make us 3 really moody posters for our shoes. I told them of course, and yep thats exactly what happened. 

Okay, so maybe Nike didn’t actually commission me to create these posters, but I wanted to challenge myself to create some nike-inspired sports graphics. I picked three sports: Tennis, Running, and Basketball and decided to try and make some sort of wheat-pasted, street poster ads for a new insole that lets you walk on air or something. With photography sourced from Unsplash, I did layout, design, and type work in Adobe Illustrator, then added a poster effect, some grain and a ripped corner in Photoshop. The rest was up in the air ; )